Overview of Expected benefits of implementation of Rise with SAP S/4 HANA.

Listed below is an overview of benefits as suggested by SAP, pls expand each headings.

In order for you to have an expected benefits evaluation pls download our excel template and replace the relevant value with your data.

by maximizing existing revenue streams, improving time-to-market, and designing new business models. Such benefits are enabled through best-in-class project and portfolio management, industry-specific processes and subscription based billing capabilities.

  • 2-10% Increase in revenue from cross-sell/ up-sell
  • 15-40% Improvement in customer satisfaction
  • 1-8% Reduction in time-to-market for new products
  • 2-10% Increase in revenue from new products/services
  • 2-15% Reduction in manufacturing cycle time

by reducing manual effort and increasing employee productivity through embedded intelligent automation, and enabling exception based actions with real time insights and alerts.

  • 1-5% Reduction in total logistics cost
  • 2-20% Reduction in finance cost
  • 5-15% Improvement in sourcing savings on direct spend
  • 2-15% Reduction in days in inventory
  • 5-30% Improvement in on-time delivery performance

by delivering sustainable products, reducing carbon footprint, and proactively responding to compliance and regulatory requirements. Such benefits are enabled through embedded sustainability insights in core processes, and auditable reporting and analysis of compliance information.

  • 3-10% Reduction in energy cost
  • 3-10% Reduction in carbon footprint
  • 5-30% Reduction in lost time accident frequency
  • 5-30% Reduction in EH&S penalties & fines
  • 3-10% Reduction in emissions cost
  • 5-30% Improvement in environmental safety and compliance
  • 10-20% Reduction in product compliance cost

Note: Outlined benefits are conservative outside-in estimates of moving from a traditional ERP system to enhanced SAP S/4HANA with line-of-business and cloud capabilities. As each enterprise is at a different level of maturity, we can engage to determine the specific value case for your enterprise.